Home - Pavertrend | Asphalt | Hot Mix | Bitumen | Paving Releasing Agent AAPA

  • Safe & Effective Asphalt Solvent
    PAVERTREND™ is Eco-friendly - meets VOC compliance
  • Cleaner + Never Stick Lubricant
    PAVERTREND™ is unique in 9 ways!
  • Diesel Alternative - Safe & Cost Effective
    Safer Than Diesel - EPA Compliant - Cost Effective
  • Bio-Green Asphalt Solvent
    Diesel is flammable & effects asphalt 24 hrs / 365 days
  • Economical & Cost Effective
    You actually save money by switching to PAVERTREND™
  • Use Pavertrend - Avoid EPA Fines
    PAVERTREND™ A safe & effective replacement for diesel
  • Changing the industry standards
  • Pavertrend™ will change the industry standards


Most effective Non-Stick Cleaner & Lubricant used in Asphalt paving applications. Pavertrend™ is the Bio-Green alternative to other petroleum based lubricants such as Diesel. Pavertrend™ sets a new standard by being environmentally safe, effective & cost saving. Avoid EPA fines.


Pavertrend™ is a safe and effective replacement for diesel, fuel oil, kerosene, gasoline and other citrus based solvents. Compared to diesel and other agents Pavertrend™ is highly cost effective and safe. Pavertrend™ is Bio-green, Non-inflammable, has high flash point, Slow evaporation.


Pavertrend™ is environmentally friendly, non-hazardous and cost effective. Saving time and money. Stays longer, require only a fewer applications.  Pavertrend™ is 5 times more economical, Pavertrend™ takes five times less quantity compared to diesel fuel to do the same job. 


Solvents including diesel fuel and kerosene should not be used on truck beds or paving equipment and tools. Diesel to clean paving equipment is not EPA compliant. Diesel has a low flash point. Hot asphalt is about 125 c. Using diesel poses OHS risk. Pavertrend™ is natural and 100% biodegradable.


Video demonstration. With Pavertrend™ you can get over 40 shovels without reapplying the product.

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