Pavertrend™ Applications
Paving Industry
Pavertrend™ asphalt solvent is a unique bio-green solvent to replace hazardous diesel fuel and kerosene for cleaning tar and asphalt from tools and equipment.
Pavertrend™ is currently being used by: Councils, paving contractors, roofing contractors, Department of road transport.
As a Cleaner: | In Preventing Build-up: |
Shovels, Lutes & Rakes | Hoppers of pavers |
Tar kettles | Hot Patch truck beds and chutes |
Shuttle Buggies | Paver chains |
Overspray on concrete | Tailgates |
Distributors | Shuttle Buggies |
Hot Patch trucks | Shovels |
Milling machines | Rakes |
Pavers and paving equipment | Paver augers |
Motor Grader blades | Distributor bars and nozzles |
Tack lines | Lutes |
Wideners | Belts |