Pavertrend™ is Bio-Green
Bio-Green is a renewable energy company that prides itself on transparency, reliability & the determination to deliver the products & services of the highest grade to the market. With Australia making strides in Renewable Energy, we aim to assist in achieving those goals using sustainable local resources.
Currently there are a number of waste collectors who are totally driven by pricing. It is well documented that this highly toxic waste is being resold to poorer communities with the potential to cause cancer and many other life threatening conditions. Bio-Green has been setup to challenge these market players and ensure that our waste only helps the environment in removing the waste off the streets.
A Bio-Green product contributes to the prosperity of Australians by protecting and promoting competitive markets and enabling informed consumer choice.
Spick n Clean accepted the industry challenge of replacing diesel for use as a release agent / solvent / Cleaner. This product, which is designed for use as a release agent, is a blend of naturally occurring materials that work in concrete to film metal surfaces to inhibit adhesion. Following extensive testing in laboratory and field, CX-9™, Cherry Blossom™, DragChain™, Fortknox™, Metal’ube™, Ore’X™ & Pavertrend™ was developed.
Hazardous Material
Release agents containing more than 25% diesel will not pass EPA regulations governing VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) enforcing the Clean Air Act. Department of Transportation (DOT) shipping regulations redefine hazardous materials for transportation purposes. EPA and DOT agree that flammable materials have a flash point below 61°C. However, for purposes of domestic road transportation only, the DOT further defines materials as "combustible" if they have a flash point between 61°C to 150°C. Transportation regulations are an area of EPA and DOT concern for release agents, curing compounds, sealers, waterproofing materials and coatings.
The liabilities associated with diesel are generally divided into two areas:
• Personal Impact (Safety)
• Environmental Effects (Soil)
The concerns over the use of diesel fuel as a release agent or cleaner have been known for years. No company wishes to have its employees exposed to the harmful characteristics of diesel (breathing fumes or skin/eye contact) nor does any company want to contribute to adding a contaminant to the soil and groundwater.
Soil Testing:
Spick n Clean addressed the safety and environmental issues by having FORTKNOX tested in our laboratory. This testing included: VOCs (Volatile Organic Compound) and Priority pollutants with regard to soil contamination. Over 20 parameters were measured.
As per laboratory procedure, a sample of clean soil (results included) was injected with Diesel fuel and a second sample was injected with FORTKNOX. The test results of FORTKNOX vs. Diesel are included with this communication. As the report is quite lengthy and detailed, we have included a summary for your convenience.
"Consumers should not be misled by false environmental claims," said Sheridan Scott, Commissioner of Competition. "Businesses should not make environmental claims unless they can back them up. In the end, this will benefit legitimate businesses and consumers by bringing greater accuracy in advertising to the marketplace."