What is Fortknox™

Fortknox™ Never-Stick Asphalt Release Agent

Asphalt build-up is a major issue at many plants worldwide. Fortknox™ never-stick release agent eliminates this problem, thereby increasing productivity and reducing safety concerns. Fortknox™ has been tested and proven to be effective on the following mix designs:

  • SBS (Styrene Butadiene Styrene)
  • Rubber, Nova-chip
  • Polymer modified mix designs
  • Polymer modified OGFC (open graded friction course)
  • Stone mastic asphalt (SMA)

Regardless of any asphalt mix designs - Fortknox™ delivers superior results with minimal if any asphalt residue remaining on the truck beds.

Ready to use – no dilution or mixing. No negative impact on hot-mix designs.

Fortknox™ is environmentally safe

Fortknox™ is a world class environmentally friendly productivity boosting never-stick release agent for the Asphalt industry.

  • Increases productivity
  • Decreases operational cost
  • Increases equipment lifespan

Fortknox™ penetrates metal to create a never-stick film. Fortknox™ is the complete build-up solution.

Versatality & Safety of Fortknox™

  • Safe on metals, rubber, glass & painted surfaces.
  • Non-flammable – Flash point >180°C.
  • All natural – Bio-Green made out of natural resources.
  • Meets Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) compliant.
  • Micro-film technology – it penetrates the metal of the truck bed to create a non-stick film.
  • Safe on marine life – non-toxic to aquatic environments. However, avoid uncontrolled releases of this product into the environment.
  • Non-Corrosive – contains special inhibitor.
  • Lubricates – tail gate, trap-door deliveries.
  • Zero negative impacts to any hot-mix asphalts.
  • Fortknox™ have no recorded negative effect on equipment or materials.

A Spraying equipment is supplied at no charge.

Specially designed for asphalt industry to apply the correct amount of product to each truck bed, thereby eliminating over-use, maximum performance of Fortknox™ and increasing productivity.

  • Heavy duty
  • Any size truck bed
  • 24 hrs/365 days service
  • With back-up systems.
  • 100% guarantee

*Please consult product MSDS & label for complete directions & precautions prior to use.© 2016 SpicknClean.