Pavertrend™ Ezy To Use
Anyone working with asphalt know, asphalt sticks to tools & equipment when cooled. It must be removed, most conveniently by dissolving it in a solvent. However, as anyone with field experience also knows, it is impossible to prevent spillage of the solvent & asphalt combination while doing paving operation.
Diesel, fuel oil, kerosene, gasoline and other citrus based agents are most commonly used solvents.
This has a significant EPA regulatory implications.
Pavertrend™ is a safe and effective replacement for diesel, fuel oil, kerosene, gasoline and other citrus based solvents.
Remove build-up
Build-up disappears as you run your shovel through hot mix.
No Mixing required
Ready to use - saves your valuable time.
Spray your paver or dip your tools
easily applied to your equipment and tools without generating any hazardous waste.
Bonds to Metal Surfaces
slow evaporation - stays on shovels, rakes and equipment longer, so you may re-apply less often.
once the asphalt is dissolved, it is easily rinsed away with water allowing for simple cleanup.