Pavertrend™ is Eco Friendly

A Biogreen product contributes to the prosperity of Australians by protecting and promoting competitive markets and enabling informed consumer choice.

Spick n Clean accepted the industry challenge of replacing diesel for use as a release agent / solvent / Cleaner. Pavertrend™, is designed for use as a release agent. It is a blend of naturally occurring materials that work in concrete to film metal surfaces to inhibit adhesion. Following extensive testing in laboratory and field, Pavertrend™ was developed. 

The liabilities associated with diesel are generally divided into two areas:

  • Personal Impact (Safety)
  • Environmental Effects (Soil)

The concerns over the use of diesel fuel as a release agent or cleaner have been known for years. No company wishes to have its employees exposed to the harmful characteristics of diesel

(breathing fumes or skin/eye contact) nor does any company want to contribute to adding a contaminant to the soil and groundwater. 

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Soil Testing VOC Testing