Cross-border disclosure of personal information
We may deal with third parties that have all or part of their operations located overseas. As a result, your personal information may be disclosed to a recipient in a foreign country, including but not limited to Australia.
How secure and accurate is your personal information?
We will take reasonable steps to ensure that all personal information we hold is:
- accurate, complete, up-to-date, relevant, and not misleading.
- stored in a secure environment; and
- protected from misuse, interference, and loss as well as unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure.
Any personal information in the form of images captured by CCTV will be stored onsite at our premises and accessible by specifically authorised employees in accordance with controlled access procedures. Images will be stored for a minimum of thirty (30) days.
If any of your details change, please let us know as soon as possible by using the contact details below so we can maintain the accuracy of your personal information.
How can you access and correct your personal information?
We seek to ensure that all personal information collected is accurate and complete. You have a right to access personal information we hold about you. We will comply with any request to access your personal information that you send us by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. where the Privacy Act or the APP’s allow us to refuse to do so. There is no fee for making a request to access your personal information, but we may charge a fee for giving you access to your personal information in a mutually agreed format, usually by sighting the accessible information held on file.
You also have the right to ask us to correct information about you that is inaccurate, incomplete, out-of-date, irrelevant, or misleading. If we refuse to correct your personal information as requested, we must:
- notify you in writing of the reasons for the refusal (unless it would be unreasonable to do so) and how to complain of the refusal; and
- upon request from you that we associate a statement that the information is inaccurate, incomplete, out-of-date, irrelevant or misleading, take such steps are as reasonable in the circumstances to associate such a statement so that it will be apparent to users of the information.
Links to other websites
Our website and Facebook page may contain links to third party websites. The links are provided for convenience only and we are not responsible for the content or material contained in, or obtained through, any third-party website or for the privacy practices of the third -party website. We suggest that you review the privacy policy of each website that you visit.
Our links to the linked websites should in no way be construed as an endorsement, approval or recommendation by us of the owners or operators of the linked website or of the content, products or services contained on or referred to by the linked websites.
How can I contact Spick n Clean Products Pty. Ltd.?
If you have any questions or complaints about how we handle your personal information, you can contact our Privacy Compliance Officer as follows:
Privacy Compliance Officer
Spick n Clean Products Pty. Ltd.,
14 Horsley Road,
E- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phone: +61 2 97710737
We will consider and respond to any complaint notified to us within a reasonable time, usually within 30 days. We will always endeavour to resolve any complaint to your satisfaction.
Australian Privacy Commissioner
If you are not satisfied with the way in which we handle your enquiry or complaint, you can contact the Office of the Australian Privacy Commissioner on Tel: 1300 363 992 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Data breaches
Suspected data breaches will be managed in accordance with our legal obligations as per the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme under Part IIIC of the Privacy Act 1988. Please contact the Privacy Compliance Officer by telephone or email if you believe that a data breach may have occurred which involves us in some way.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
This is our current Privacy Policy outlining our personal information management practices. This Policy replaces any other privacy policy published by us to date. We may vary this policy from time to time. We encourage you to review our website regularly to ensure that you are aware of our current Privacy Policy.
Spick n Clean Products Pty. Ltd., reserves the right to modify, revise or supplement parts of this document as it sees fit.
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